
In Australia, as we fall under the category of food, we are prohibited from making any claims or statements regarding potential health benefits.

Please note any references to potential health improvements on the linked product review page may be attributed to the placebo effect.

Our product is a food/drink. Its ingredients are humic substances, which are recognised as a valuable source of trace minerals.

To illustrate, just as carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, chicken serves as a beneficial means to increase protein intake, and pumpkin is acknowledged for being a good source of iron.

Consider consuming our product as a method of supplementing trace minerals and trace elements.

In the realm of nutrition and biology, these terms commonly refer to indispensable micronutrients essential for the proper functioning of living organisms.

Just like water. You can not say that it has health improvements but without it your heart rate could look like Paul’s at the top of the About us page.

Simple 🙂