Why Us – Your Guide to Choosing The Natural Edge Fulvic

The landscape of Fulvic Acid suppliers is vast, transparency and integrity are what set us apart at The Natural Edge Fulvic. We understand that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to health and what we put in our body. That’s why we take pride in clearly displaying not just the Fulvic content in our products but also the vital ratio of Humic to Fulvic Acids. This balance is crucial for harnessing the full spectrum of benefits, and yet, many products on the market fall short, leaning heavily on Humic content due to its lower extraction costs.

Transparency Is Key

When comparing fulvic supplements, two metrics are paramount: the actual Fulvic content and the Fulvic-to-Humic ratio. These figures, validated by the rigorous Lamar test – the gold standard in our industry – should be your north star in assessing quality. If these details are missing, you're likely not getting the full story. Our commitment to transparency stands us apart, with our precise formulation of 300mg per serve of humic substances, comprising 150mg per serve of fulvic, featuring a lamar tested 27% Fulvic | 15% Humic, and a humic blend of 1% Fulvic | 85% Humic, ensuring unparalleled quality and potency.

Why Our Quality Should Matter To You

No one deserves a less-than pure product, and although the product may begin with its purity, at times the production and manufacturing line degrades it. Unlike many others that rely on chemical extraction processes, producing a high concentration of undesirable salts, The Natural Edge Fulvic uses superior separation technology. This method preserves the natural state of Fulvic Acid, delivering a purer, more effective product. Alongside this, it boasts a substantial 300mg of Humic substances per serving, setting a new benchmark for both quality and quantity in the Australian market.

Rise Above the Spin

The Fulvic supplement sphere is filled with claims that often don’t hold up under scrutiny. Low Fulvic and Humic content, coupled with chemical extraction methods, can compromise the natural state of the minerals. At The Natural Edge Fulvic, we stand in a league of our own, backed by the Lamar test, ensuring you receive the highest quality, most potent product available.


Our Unmatched Purity and Safety

Our dedication to delivering an extraordinarily pure and highly concentrated product doesn’t stop at superior extraction methods. We go the extra mile with rigorous testing against Australian Food Standards, even surpassing the stringent benchmarks set for similar US products. Our products undergo exhaustive LD50 toxicity testing, passing with flying colours to ensure they pose no significant acute toxic risk, even at high quantities.

Value You Can Feel

At The Natural Edge Fulvic, we believe that investing in quality translates to unmatched bioavailability of nutrients and minerals for our customers. This means that every serving is not just a step towards better health but a leap towards optimising your wellness routine with nature’s most powerful minerals.

Beyond the Bottle

As part of our commitment to quality and safety, we've conducted extensive testing, from acute oral toxicity studies to rigorous analyses for microbial and heavy metal contamination, both internationally and locally. Our proactive approach ensures that every product meets and exceeds the highest standards before it reaches you.

We test thoroughly.

Our LD50 test for toxicity is part of our commitment to quality and safety. We commissioned toxicology studies to assess the acute oral toxicity of our products which passed at 2000 mg/kg (933x daily dose) therefore our product DOES NOT PRESENT A SIGNIFICANT ACUTE TOXIC RISK even if consumed at high quantities.

Testing has been completed in Canada for both microbial and heavy metal contamination before export. We also send our product to IAS Laboratories in USA to test for the fulvic/humic content via the Lamar Method.

Once in Australia we send our powder to a TGA & food compliant lab to retest for microbial and heavy metal contamination and ensure we are Australian food compliant.

Lamar Test Results of Fulvic & Humic Acid